Saturday, October 21, 2006

In Progress.
Oil on Stretched Canvas.
This is a departure for me. I am working with really small brushes and sitting down.. I feel like maybe I should be working with gouache.


At 6:39 AM, Blogger Shanti Marie said...

I like the play of light from the windows on the glass objects and the color is great!

it's also difficult for me to work small and I have had some struggles with it. I was taught to paint with the whole arm, also not to get too close to the picture plane. My eyes are getting worse and now, I am finding myself really too close to this small works, which are only 4 by 6 many times.

Its a learning curve, keep up the good work.

At 6:09 AM, Blogger Amy Albert said...

shant: yes, i was also taught to paint with my whole arm.
so these small paintings are a real challenge to me.
thank you for your kind comments.
( i have to use reading glasses for the smaller things, sometimes i get confused ), !!!


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